On November 18, 2023, our country, like other African countries, celebrates African Statistics Day. This Day was established in May 1990 by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) of the United Nations, during a meeting of African ministers in charge of planning and development. Gabon has always joined forces with the African statistical community to celebrate this day, the main objective of which is, on the one hand, to raise public awareness of the importance of statistics in all aspects of social and economic life and , on the other hand, to constantly remind the authorities of the usefulness of statistical data in the definition of socio-economic policies. The theme chosen this year is “Modernizing data ecosystems to accelerate the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): the role of official statistics and big data in the economic transformation and sustainable development of the 'Africa. » This theme was chosen to raise awareness among decision-makers, technical and financial partners, producers and users of data, researchers and the general public on the importance of official statistics and big data in a modernized framework to accelerate the implementation implementation of the Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and ultimately promote the economic transformation and sustainable development of Africa. This year's theme aligns with that of the African Union for 2023, "Acceleration of the implementation of the AfCFTA", and summarizes the call for the modernization and integration of information systems on the continent in order to produce and use quality official statistics by seizing the opportunities offered by big data.

Big data is collected data sets so gigantic and complex that they require new technologies to process. These data sets can come from a single source (the Directorate General of Statistics, for example, central body of the National Statistical System (SSN)) or from combined sources (the different SSN administrations). However, realizing the full economic and social value of modern data services requires a structured and robust digital infrastructure. Gabon therefore absolutely needs modern infrastructure to collect, exchange, store, process and distribute the available information. Ladies and gentlemen ; This year, the event is being held in a particular context, where the country has been committed, since August 30, 2023, to the salutary action of our defense and security forces to liberate the country and lead it in a transition for the restoration of its institutions. In this regard, Gabon, like other African countries, should redouble its efforts to implement the Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area, which is a tool for the fundamental and structural transformation of Africa's economy, in order to put the continent on the path to sustainable industrial development, within the framework of the guidelines of the Strategy for the Harmonization of Statistics in Africa 2017-2026, adopted by the Heads of State and government of the African Union. Ladies and gentlemen ;

The national statistical system must be an effective tool serving strategic development planning, strengthening democracy through the restoration of institutions and supporting decision-making at all levels. This is why over the next two years the government will provide the SSN with modern statistical infrastructures so that the data and their advanced analyzes can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, offer services better suited to citizens and improve transparency. This is the challenge we must face in the coming months. Ladies and gentlemen ; Before ending this speech, I would like to take this opportunity to thank, once again, His Excellency Brigadier General Brice Clotaire OLIGUI NGUEMA, President of the Transition, Head of State and Mr. Prime Minister Head of Government, as well as all our technical and financial partners for their multifaceted support in the strengthening and development of our national statistical system. Thank you.



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